#Project 0070
Cynon Linc
The project to redevelop the former St Mair’s Day Centre into an inclusive community hub was led by a partnership that included Age Connects Morgannwg (ACM), Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council, Cwm Taff University Health Board and partners from the third sector and the local community.
We worked alongside the Architect, ACM team, service users and the local community to design a comprehensive interior design scheme for the new intergenerational centre, Cynon Linc.
The centre is now a vibrant, contemporary and inviting community hub in the heart of Aberdare town centre. Open to all ages and abilities, it provides a place to eat and socialise; spaces for hire; and a range of services to help older people living in the local community access support such as independent advocacy, befriending, and nail cutting.